EII Programs

5 digital stewards apprentices shaking a neighborhood resident's hand at his front porch, while door knocking to tell people about the Equitable Internet Inititiave's gigabit internet connections

Digital Stewards Program


The Digital Stewards Program, developed by the Detroit Community Technology Project, trains neighborhood leaders in the technical and community organizing skills necessary to design, build, and maintain community wireless networks. Graduates of the program will be eligible to apply for employment in the build-out of and adoption of wireless networks in their neighborhoods.


A team of five Digital Steward Apprentices in each neighborhood participating in the Equitable Internet Initiative will work 20 hours per week from July 17 - December 16th to complete their classes’ community wireless plans, organize neighborhood advisory boards, and coordinate community events that support in bringing their neighborhood online once the network is built.

Next Gen Apps Program

Phase One

4 weeks | 20 students | September 25 - October 25, 2017
The Next Gen Apps program is a FREE training in application development for the gigabit internet environment with young people in Detroit’s Southwest, Islandview, and North End neighborhoods. The initial 4-week training will teach app development concepts and basic coding skills such as CSS, HTML, Javascript, and Node.js.

Phase Two

6 weeks | 6 students | November 1 - December 14, 2017
A second hands-on phase will provide an opportunity for 6 graduates of the first round to develop advanced skills via 6 weeks of mentorship and app-building. Working with professional technologists, youth will prototype applications for their neighborhoods that leverage the power of the Gigabit environment and encourage collaboration, problem solving, and creativity among neighbors. Youth who participate in this 2nd phase will earn a laptop so they can continue to use their newfound skills, along with marketable skills which will set them on a path to obtaining or creating jobs in the growing tech industry.

graphic depicting a simplified outline of a computer screen in blue, with 5 zig-zag lines in green going across the top right